
Viele begeisterte Menschen schreiben uns über die Vorteile, die Sie beim Nutzen unseres Service erleben.
Wir sind unglaublich dankbar für das positive Feedback, das wir jeden Tag von Kunden erhalten.
Zoran Tasic reviewed VisaHQ
Zoran Tasic
Freundlich, kompetent, schnell.
Großes Lob an Hr. Lösing! (on Facebook)
Dmitry Petukhov reviewed VisaHQ
Dmitry Petukhov
I used visahq Germany to get a visa for Singapore. Very personal, friendly and professional staff. Stayed in contact and kept me up to date, until everything was fine! Thanks to you, we've had a great trip! Probably easiest way to receive a visa. Thanks a lot and till next time ;) (on Facebook)
Federica Fusilli reviewed VisaHQ
Federica Fusilli
I have used this service twice already, for work.
Fast, efficient and secure
I will use it again (on Facebook)
Marco Carisi reviewed VisaHQ
Marco Carisi
Thank you VisaHQ Frankfurt for your great service!
Precise, kind, reliable and fast! Everything worked really quick, which was good news considering the short time available before my departure.
Thank you and bis zum nächsten Mal (on Facebook)
Tamara Brckalo reviewed VisaHQ
Tamara Brckalo
Thank you for informing me that my visa has been approved. I managed to change my booking and will be flying to Abu Dhabi tonight.

I just wanted once again to thank you for your assistance, your efficacy and your professionalism. I truly appreciate it. (on Email)
Milica Reiche reviewed VisaHQ
Milica Reiche
Durch den Service von VisaHQ Frankfurt, war es mir möglich, als Nicht-EU-Bewohner mit temporären Aufenthalt in Deutschland und meinem Ehemann, deutscher Herkunft, die schwer durchscharbaren administrativen Vorgänge, ohne extra zum Konsulat fahren zu müssen, bequem von zu Hause zu bewältigen, um unseren Urlaub in Sydney (Australien) zu genießen. Kommunikation, Kooperation und sehr zügiges Arbeiten hat mich bei VisaHQ wirklich positiv überrascht. Dafür nochmals meinen ausdrücklichen Dank. (on Email)
Arnold Maschke reviewed VisaHQ
Arnold Maschke
Ich habe gerade meinen Reisepass mit Visum erhalten.

Vielen Dank für die geduldige Art und dem perfekten Service. (on Email)
Marino Matos reviewed VisaHQ
Marino Matos
Thank you, liked your service.

Not normal in Germany.

Marino Matos (on Email)
Elkin Felipe Buitrago reviewed VisaHQ
Elkin Felipe Buitrago
Thank you "Team Germany" for making my application process smooth and efficient.
Best regards from Morroco! (on Facebook)
Ariane Ark reviewed VisaHQ
Ariane Ark
We needed an Indian visa urgently and almost gave up, as everybody gave us a hard time... VisaHQ Germany was efficient - fast and easy. Great service - worth the money .... (on Facebook)
Luiz Fernando Augusto reviewed VisaHQ
Luiz Fernando Augusto
I´m very pleased with the service of VisaHQ. I used this service now three times and for sure I will use more. I still living in Germany and my German are not so much good at all (like my english), but they were always very helpfull specialy Mr. Robert Lösing from Frankfurt am Main. The procesure is always very fest (more than they give me as an advice). I strongly recomend there service. (on Facebook)
Natalia Bachmann reviewed VisaHQ
Natalia Bachmann
Sehr schneller und bequemer Service, empfehlenswert! (on Google)
Rudolf Schank, Rosenda Echavez reviewed VisaHQ
Rudolf Schank, Rosenda Echavez
Guten Abend,

wir möchten uns nochmals herzlich bedanken für den superschnellen und unkomplizierten Service und das sehr kundenfreundliche und entgegenkommende Telefonat - das war vorbildlich!

Viele Grüße und bis zum nächsten Mal

Rudolf Schank
Rosenda Echavez (on Email)
Ira A. reviewed VisaHQ
Ira A.
Kompetenter, unkomplizierter und schneller Visa Service - ich habe neulich ein Russland Visum innerhalb von einer Woche bekommen! (on Google)